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322. Beyond Resolutions and Designing Your Transformational Year

322. Beyond Resolutions and Designing Your Transformational Year with @renee_warren


Let’s start thinking about 2025 right now.

Not taking the time to create a vision around your next year is a recipe for missed opportunities. Successful years don’t just happen, and they aren’t just planned, and that’s why it’s crucial to take time to design it.

A key in successfully designing your year is not overdoing it. While it can be tempting to overcommit, you also have to leave room for new things to come in. Use your values as your north star so you can spend your time doing what really matters to you.

In this episode, you will learn about:

  • What my husband Dan and I do every year at the end and why.

  • Why considering the rhythms and unique values of your family matters is important.

  • The need to leave room for white space in your year.

  • The filter our family uses to help us decide what’s important or not.

  • How overcommitting can hurt you, and why copying others does too.

  • Why September feels like a new year and how we manage that.

  • What an energy map system is and the benefits of creating one.

  • What our family values are and why it’s important to use them to manage your time.

  • Tips for creating your own personal ecosystem.

  • What to include in your schedule to keep the “Sunday scaries” away.

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321. How ANYONE Can Unlock EXPLOSIVE Business Growth in 2025 with Alex Cattoni

321. How ANYONE Can Unlock EXPLOSIVE Business Growth in 2025 with Alex Cattoni


Discover the secrets to standing out in a sea of skepticism.

Today we’re joined by The Copy Posse founder Alex Cattoni, who is on a mission to redefine modern marketing for copywriters and entrepreneurs worldwide. She’s helped over 500,000 individuals ignite their business branding and copywriting, has been a speaker 5 times at Ad World, and was voted Most Popular Copywriter in 2023.

It’s taking far longer for buyers to make a purchase than ever before, due in large part to the rise in mistrust in marketing. Knowing where to focus your efforts and showing up with integrity can help you rise above the rest, and Alex tells us exactly how you can get started.

In this episode, you will learn about:

  • Why outsourcing your copywriting is a gamechanger.

  • The people who give copywriting a bad reputation (and how to do things differently).

  • Why mistrust is on the rise and how it’s impacting customers.

  • Tips for encouraging potential buyers to trust you when you have good intentions.

  • The average time it takes someone to buy (and how to be patient in the messy middle).

  • Why omni-channel marketing matters, especially to new businesses.

  • What people do before they opt in to your offer and what they’re looking for.

  • How to hit a home run on social media regardless of the channel you choose.

  • The people who are going to rise to the top and how they’ll be using AI.

  • Alex’s predictions for the marketing industry in 2025.

What it means to be a wild woman:

  • Fully showing up as yourself—uncensored.

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320. From Burnout to Breakthrough: Why I'm Taking a One-Month Sabbatical

320. From Burnout to Breakthrough: Why I'm Taking a One-Month Sabbatical with @renee_warren


It’s time for a break.

Have you ever felt overwhelmed and out of alignment with the work you’re doing? I experienced this recently, and it ended up leading to a revelation about the shifts I needed to make in my professional life.

So, in a few weeks, I’m going to be fully stepping away from my PR agency. This is not despite my business goals—it’s actually because of it. Sometimes we fall out of love with what we’re doing, and it’s okay to move on. I’m making a space for some really exciting things to come.

In this episode, you will learn about:

  • What my life was like in the PR world and how it made me feel.

  • The rule I made up in my head and how my husband helped me challenge it.

  • The perfect situation that arose as a pivot point and why I took it.

  • How letting go of my business is helping me reach my goals.

  • What I’m focusing on and opening up space for next.

  • How reality always catches up with you and why it’s important to face it.

  • How to help yourself move from burnout to breakthrough.

  • Why being always on isn’t healthy and how boundaries can help.

  • The reason your impact requires integration into your home life.

  • Where the biggest breakthroughs actually come from and how to do it.

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319. The Nervous System Reset: Breaking Free from The Patterns That Are Keeping You Stuck with Ashleigh Di Lello

319. The Nervous System Reset: Breaking Free from The Patterns That Are Keeping You Stuck with Ashleigh Di Lello


Feeling stuck? A rewiring might be just what you need.

In this episode we’re joined by Ashleigh Di Lello. She is the founder of Bio Emotional Healing, a revolutionary method used to help clients break free from negative thoughts, behaviors, and emotions by rewiring their subconscious mind so they can thrive. Ashleigh is also a TV and Broadway star as well as a keynote speaker.

When we go through difficult times in life, our body takes a snapshot and holds onto it. This is a protective measure your body performs—but in reality, this neurological memory can tie us to patterns of pain and hurt. By rewiring your brain, you can navigate the human experience with a calm awareness.

In this episode, you will learn about:

  • Why rewiring the nervous system is key in getting unstuck.

  • The deep roots of Ashleigh’s perfectionism and how it shaped her nervous system.

  • The difference between regulating your nervous system and rewiring it.

  • What happens in our bodies when the subconscious mind takes over.

  • Why some of us tend to feel more anxiety and stress than other people.

  • The danger of mental health labels and what they could affirm.

  • The unique ways our bodies try to get attention and why it’s important to listen.

  • How entrepreneurship amplifies protective mechanisms.

  • What experiences in the brain come down to (and how a shift can change everything).

  • The key to making actual changes in your life when you feel stuck.

What it means to be a wild woman:

  • Someone who believes in her unlimited capacity no matter what she’s been through.

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318. The Success Stall and Breaking Through Plateaus

318. The Success Stall and Breaking Through Plateaus with @renee_warren


Feeling stuck? This episode is for you.

Have you ever noticed how success comes in waves? One minute your world is bustling, but the next you’re at a standstill. When this shows up, it can be confusing, especially if you have been showing up consistently.

When you find yourself on a plateau ledge, something needs to change. If you’re in a success stall, consider it an invitation to do something bold. Once you start behaving differently, you can break your own subconscious cycles and become the person you need to be to get to your next level.

In this episode, you will learn about:

  • What we think plateaus look like versus what they actually are.

  • Other areas you might be consistently showing up (and why you’re getting bored).

  • Signs you’re outgrowing your current level and what to do about it.

  • Why change is your friend in business and life.

  • The difference between natural pauses and self-imposed ceilings.

  • How adjusting your internal thermostat can help you break free from self-sabotage.

  • Tips for helping your mindset align with your goals and why it matters.

  • The bold moves you can make to break patterns and change everything.

  • Why awareness is the first step to breaking free, and what to do next.

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317. Borrowed Confidence: Mastering Motherhood & Business Through Strategic Delegation with Amy Landino

317. Borrowed Confidence: Mastering Motherhood & Business Through Strategic Delegation with Amy Landino


Where should you first start delegating in your business?

In this episode we’re joined by entrepreneur and best-selling author Amy Landino. Amy is the award-winning host of the popular YouTube series AMYTV. She’s a leading authority on getting digital media attention, and coaches how to leverage digital tools to increase brand awareness and build a profitable business.

If you are considering starting a business but you’re feeling discouraged about it, remember that someone out there needs exactly what you have to offer. While confidence isn’t always easy to find, especially in the early stages, acting like you’ve already made it can help you persevere through fears and difficulties.

In this episode, you will learn about:

  • The brain changes moms experience and how it turns you into a magnet.

  • How your personal brand changes when your life changes.

  • Why moms need to learn to be “incompetent” and ask for help.

  • The tendency to project our own life experiences on others—and what to do instead.

  • How it’s normal to suck when you start something.

  • The struggles of bringing people on your team and how to take the pressure off.

  • Why people resist putting themselves out there (and why you don’t need to be scared).

  • What to remind yourself of if you’re scared to start your business.

  • Tips for charging more for your work that boost your confidence and actually work.

What it means to be a wild woman:

  • To stop thinking you need to follow every rule and start making your own.

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316. Reframing Failure and Turning Setbacks into Stepping Stones

316. Reframing Failure and Turning Setbacks into Stepping Stones with @renee_warren


Let’s talk about failure—is it an ending, or is it an opportunity?

Entrepreneurs agree that you learn a lot more from your failure than you do your successes. Every failure is actually a compass pointing you towards your sweet spot in life. Over time, your failures actually become your competitive advantage.

Some of the most successful people in history all have one thing in common: they failed hundreds of times before they actually made it. Why? Because every time they failed, they were actually collecting data on how to get it right and becoming resilient.

In this episode, you will learn about:

  • How failing can actually nudge you in the right direction.

  • What is really happening when you dare to try but fall short.

  • The not-so-secret way you can collect incredible marketing intelligence.

  • The five business-boosting things that failing actually creates.

  • What could happen if you give up too soon just because you failed.

  • How real-world feedback beats theoretical knowledge every time.

  • How you can use your setbacks to help others going through the same thing.

  • What you can do when you bomb, in life or in business, to move forward.

  • How to use the 1:3:1 method to solve your problems.

  • What the person who has failed the most in your industry already knows.

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315. The Savage Truth About Procrastination and Breaking Free From Fear with Cassandra Britton

315. The Savage Truth About Procrastination and Breaking Free From Fear with Cassandra Britton


You don’t have to be ready to take action.

Today we’re welcoming powerhouse business coach Cassandra Britton. Cassandra helps CEOs and industry leaders go from hesitant to unstoppable, and teaches them to turn their passion into profit. Using her signature motto “be seen, be heard, be fearless,” she supports them in amplifying their brand and building their legacy.

Doing the thing before you feel ready is what helps you become ready—so if you want to be successful, you have to take action despite your fears.  Cassandra emphasizes leaning into finding your uncomfortable edge, whether that’s a first date or a stage in front of 5,000 people.

In this episode, you will learn about:

  • Why relationship building is crucial for business building.

  • How having a savage mindset can help you avoid procrastination.

  • Why we procrastinate and how to get out of your safe zone.

  • Analysis paralysis, overwhelming steps, and how to get unstuck.

  • How Cassandra learned to love finding her uncomfortable edge.

  • How to get past anything that’s holding you back and set yourself free.

  • Why you have to choose to change your perspective to escape the victim mindset.

  • The difference between avoidance and rest.

  • What can happen if you live in your masculine energy and why balance matters.

What it means to be a wild woman:

  • Expressing your untamed, unfiltered, and unapologetic self.

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314. The Art of Saying No: Building Unshakeable Work-Life Boundaries

314. The Art of Saying No: Building Unshakeable Work-Life Boundaries with @renee_warren


You need to learn how to say NO.

The most important word in your professional vocabulary isn’t “sales” or “revenue” — it’s “no.” As an entrepreneur, you probably feel a lot of pressure to do it all. But saying yes to everything isn’t the answer. If you don’t put up boundaries for yourself, you’re likely to experience burnout and not really feel like you’re doing anything well.

Building your boundary blueprint starts with setting your non-negotiables. These non-negotiable things can be as big or small as you want them to be, whether that’s a weekly bath or prioritizing a quarterly vacation. This will help you shape your boundaries and work to reduce the friction in your life.

In this episode, you will learn about:

  • How saying yes to everything can actually diminish your true value.

  • Why mastering the art of saying no is critical in today’s workplace.

  • The hidden mental and physical impacts of saying yes to everything.

  • How harnessing the power of changing your mindset can heal you.

  • Why women, more often than men, feel pressure to say yes to everything.

  • Why it’s so important to take time for yourself and what that should look like.

  • The fear that drives us to say yes when we want to say no (and what to do about it).

  • How I handled a recent situation where I felt uncomfortable saying no.

  • How responding to people consciously sets expectations and maintains boundaries.

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313. Reclaiming Pleasure, Relationship Reckoning, and Redefining Success with Alexi Panos

313. Reclaiming Pleasure, Relationship Reckoning, and Redefining Success with Alexi Panos


Your most difficult emotions are not to be ignored.

Alexi Panos is a leader in the embodied wisdom movement as well as an expert in somatics, the nervous system, and trauma. She hosts the top-ranked self-improvement podcast Unleashed, and also founded the non-profit E.P.I.C. (Everyday People Initiating Change).

Alexi emphasizes being open enough to feel the beauty of life—even when that brings the pain of grief too. Our pain-averse society is used to avoiding feeling tough emotions, but there is so much to gain on the other side. If you’re feeling stuck in trauma and you’re ready to let go, finding a trusted person to hold that space with you (and love you through it) can change everything.

In this episode, you will learn about:

  • The grief portal Alexi went through and why it was so intense.

  • Why motherhood is an initiation that nothing else can really compare to.

  • How being sanitized from grief has influenced society (and why it needs to change).

  • What happens when we bury our feelings in the darkness or shame our emotions.

  • What must be true in order to safely release trauma and be in the present moment.

  • How to stop striving for what you want and start magnetizing it.

  • Why finding pleasure is the key to growing your business (and simply enjoying life).

  • The tendency for women to hold “invisible labor” and how it creates resentment.

  • Ideas for working with your partner to divide labor fairly.

  • Why finding pleasure is one of the most productive things you can do.

What it means to be a wild woman:

  • The freedom to grieve, expand, and exist without worrying about anyone else.

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312. The Million-Dollar Leap: Breaking Through Your Fear Gap to Scale Your Business

312. The Million-Dollar Leap: Breaking Through Your Fear Gap to Scale Your Business


This is holding you back from scaling your business.

The biggest thing standing between you and your revenue milestones is the fear gap. It keeps you playing small and holds you back from scaling your business. It’s the space between where you are now and the place you know you could be if you weren’t afraid.

So how can you break free? In this episode, you’ll learn tips for moving past your fear gap, and we’ll explore all of the abundance that you could possibly find beyond it.

In this episode, you will learn about:

  • What personal branding really is and how it shows up in all aspects of your life.

  • What the ceiling of complexity is and how it impacts your financial goals.

  • The different ways that the fear gap sneaks into your business and holds you back.

  • What learning to adopt the million-dollar mindset can do for you.

  • What the solopreneur ceiling is and how to grow past it.

  • The things you’ll have to give up if you want to scale your business.

  • The difference between someone who stays where they are and the person who grows.

  • What you must identify to move past your fear gap.

  • What it means to calculate the cost of inaction.

  • The first bold move I’m making for my next event (and how it helped me move forward).

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